FMX riders Bruce Cook and Kris Garwasiuk make appearance at BC Motocross Championships

FMX riders Bruce Cook and Kris Garwasiuk make appearance at BC Motocross Championships

Famous FMX riders return home to promote new show

FMX riders, Bruce Cook and Kris Garwasiuk, are local Okanagan riders who have made their mark on the International ramp of freestyle motocross and were spotted taking in the activities at the British Columbia Motocross Championships at Bear Creek MX track in West Kelowna, BC.

Freestyle Madness is the name of their latest scheduled show coming to Kelowna in June. FMX riders, Bruce Cook and Kris Garwasiuk were hanging out at the track – on a rare weekend off – to meet and encourage the riders in competition and to promote their upcoming show at Prospera Place in Kelowna on June 8, 2012.

We plan to catch up later in the week and bring you the full story about their upcoming show but I can tell you, during our brief introduction, explosions and pyrotechnics made their way into the conversation. Have you got your ticket yet?  Select Your

Check out their website

FMX riders Bruce Cook (L) and Kris Garwasiuk
Freestyle MX professional riders Bruce Cook (L) and Kris Garwasiuk

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FMX riders Bruce Cook and Kris Garwasiuk make appearance at BC Motocross Championships


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