Nitro Circus FMX performer, Bruce Cook, injured during world record double front flip attempt

Okanagan resident, Bruce Cook, said to be doing well in hospital

FMX champion, Bruce Cook, performs a trick called a cliffhanger
Bruce Cook wows the crowd with a cliffhanger stunt during Global FMX show.

Living life to its fullest, Kelowna’s Bruce Cook was taking it to the limit wowing crowds with his passion for freestyle motocross when life threw him a curve ball. He was performing in Hamilton, Ont. during Nitro Circus attempting to set a world record for the first ever double front flip but missed the landing and crashed into the landing ramp.


Cook is a great guy, personable, and always smiling. He even posted this thumbs up picture of himself in hospital after three hours of back surgery. Apparently there are multiple videos of his accident out there, but out of respect for his family, I won’t post them. As a mother, I can only imagine his family’s anguish and what they are going through at this point in time. reported that “Paramedics were called to the scene around 10 p.m. and immobilized Cook before transporting him to Hamilton General Hospital where the trauma team was waiting, according to Carmen D’Angelo, manager of the Hamilton Paramedic Service.

“There was some type of first response on scene. We weren’t notified of the event beforehand, we were called in via 911,” D’Angelo explained.

Cook has posted this message to his social media accounts:

Hey all. I am absolutely blown away by all the messages and well wishes. It has literally taken me hours to make it through most of them and appreciate every one of them. This morning I underwent 3 hours of surgery on my back and I’ll likely be in hospital in Ontario for the remainder of the week at which time I will transfer to BC. Again, thank you so much for all the support and positive messages. My mom and dad are here with me and helping keep spirits high. I’ve got this!… There is definitely a smile under that mask 🙂 Remember, smiles are contagious! #smileforBC

Typical Cook – always smiling. This should show you that it happens to even the best of the best so protect yourself, do what you love and #smileforBC and for Bruce. Hugs Cook family.

Cook has said he has no feeling in his body from the waist down but is hopeful (and determined) he can recover. On his Twitter account he says, “Pretty bad spill but I’ll pull through”


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