By Marissa Baecker My dream life would be to get up every day in a different city,...
Year: 2011
PRESS RELEASE FROM LIZ JANSEN – AUTHOR. Women increasingly discovering motorcycles as freedom machines Fifty women share...
By Marissa Baecker In the Okanagan, we are experiencing a fantastic Fall. While most of us have...
By Marissa Baecker In certain parts of the Province, riders are preparing their bikes for winter hibernation...
By Marissa Baecker An unscheduled flu had invaded my body prior to the scheduled Triumph run. Needless...
Having never experienced the Kootenays in any season other than “cold,” waking up in Trail on a...
By Marissa Baecker All sports including operating a motorcycle requires all your senses to be engaged at...
By Marissa Baecker No one really needs convincing on how important music is in our lives. The...
Riding a 2012 Harley-Davidson Softtail Deluxe from Trail to Kelowna, I stopped on the side of the...
World champion custom bike builder, Roger Goldammer, has been busy all summer creating the perfect bike and...