March 3, 2025

2 thoughts on “From Biker Chick to Biker Chic!

  1. I’d love to see posts involving women’s wear for motorcycles. I keep looking for a new leather jacket and boots, but when I search for “womens motorcycle jacket/boots,” I come up with fashion stuff, not actual riders wear.

    My favorite are the little shorty jackets…how on earth do you think I can reach my handlebars without my whole rear end hanging out from under the jacket? Ugh.

    1. I hear you about the motorcycle wear. I have been speaking with a few companies that manufacture clothing and am hoping to have some clothing reviews coming soon.

      I just spent three weeks in Europe where there is an abundance of ladies motorcycle wear – Rev It, a company from Holland is beginning to make waves in the ladies world. I will be reviewing one of their all weather riding suits shortly.

      What style ride do you have? Perhaps I can suggest something more specific?

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