Students at Penticton High School held their prom June 29 and the evening’s festivities began with a parade down Main Street led first by a police escort and second by two Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Grads ‘make an entrance’ at their prom in their own style ride – convertible, flat deck truck, boats, skateboards etc. – the entire town lines both sides of the street to watch the parade of grads decked out and on their way to the ball.

This was my first witness of a grad parade. When the event was over, I stopped to talk with the two motorcyclists who led the procession and found out that they were both teachers at Pen High.

Bud Lindquist, a 28 year veteran law and history teacher, together with fellow faculty member, Tom Doratti, a 27 year leader in electronics and sciences – upheld a 7 year tradition by leading the class of 2011 to the ball. However, 2011 marks the end of their riding together as this year both are retiring from the profession (as you can see by their handlebars) lol.

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